Bandai AT-AT with LED lighting – Part 3
Black main coat One of the build logs explained that be first adding a black coat and then adding white highlights the final look of the model would be much better. So this is what I would try with this…
Black main coat One of the build logs explained that be first adding a black coat and then adding white highlights the final look of the model would be much better. So this is what I would try with this…
The legs Once the head with the tricky LED placement was finished I started with the legs. These are a joy to build because everything fits together so well and because each leg can be articulated individually just like the…
When ordering the deluxe LED lighting kit the vendor (Gary) told me that soldering and electronics know-how would be required or at least very helpful. As I have a friend who is well versed in electronics I decided that I’d…
So yeah, my last blog entry was all about switching the standard white LEDs to blue ones. But I wanted to take it a little further. I found a great thread on teslamotorsclub.com about door puddle projector lights. So I…
Since I had already changed the front and rear footwell lights from the stock tiny white to brighter blue lights, I thought I’d also try to replace the stock door puddle lights as well. I went through a trial and…
Update: Today I went and tried to remove the footwell lights again. This time it worked and I was able to attach the two remaining blue LED arrays easily. The cool thing is that I can easily remove and replace…