It has basically been raining on and off since the beginning of April and i’ve not once been able to take my telescope outside. I did purchase a green laser pointer with a bracket as well as the Celestron piggy back camera adapter which is now all nicely attached to the optical tube and looks rather nice (or geeky).

I’ll try to add some pictures here later.

Oh and i’ve also purchased an ipad which already has a couple of great astronomy apps like Starmap HD. One particular app is supposed to sync up with a wireless receiver that attaches directly to the Nexstar line of telescopes. Unfortunately i’ve not been able to find a local supplier for this thing yet.

So – this is me hoping for summer to finally arrive….lets keep our fingers crossed.


  1. Hello? I like your blog…It gives a lot of ideas…please continue…And post some good or bad pictures that you have taken with the nexstars SE!

    • Hey broken but not beaten – i really really wish i would find the time to use my telescope ! I’ve just been swamped with work and when I do get some spare time i tend to spend it with the family now that the kids are older and more demanding… : )

      Now that spring is finally here, who knows, maybe i’ll be able to get out again !

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