Star Wars Y-Wing Fighter Model Kit – 1:72 Scale

I got this set from a friend and decided to put it together on christmas day. The set does not require any glue and only has 38 pieces. It comes pre-painted in some areas but of course needs some additional weathering to make it look more authentic.

Preparation / Weathering

So after detaching all the parts from the frames, a quick sanding of the brakepoints as well as some basic weathering with some dark grey / black and brown weathering paint was done.

I usually start with a basic grey / black wash and then add some brown. Then I go over the whole thing again once the first coat is dry. Then I usually also add some extra weathering with a weathering brush / dry weathering set.

So that’s basically it. Unfortunately the thin pieces that connect the back part of the engines to the front are pretty bent and not straight at all, so it was really hard to get the engines perfectly straight.

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