I recently came accross this great looking set of aluminum brake and accelerator as well as dead pedal set. They are sold by a swedish company called “Cozero” and the product is available here:
The ordering process was straight forward and shipping took about 1.5 weeks.

While unpacking I quickly saw that these things are of great quality. The machined aluminum is heavy and looks very sturdy. The black rubber insets also seem very sturdy – not like one of the other products I reviewed that came apart after a matter of weeks…

The installation instructions come on a single piece of paper and are pretty straight forward:

Installation of the dead pedal as well as the accelerator pedal where a snap but I did have my share of troubles with the brake pedal. The instructions tell you to first mount the top lip and then secure the left and right lips followed by the bottom lip. I tried this for about 20 minutes but could not get the bottom lip to fit without the left and right lips coming loose again. I ended up just leaving the bottom lip as it is – the brake pedal still fits very firmly even without the bottom lip, so I’m not worried that it might come lose.

I’d highly recommend AVOIDING these, after two months of use the accelerator pedal peeled and the metal and rubber separated, causing it to slide down and creating s potential dangerous situation. I’m currently trying to contact the seller but have heard nothing.
Hi Eddie – thank you for this interesting feedback! I went and checked my pedals and so far I am not seeing any degradation / separation of the plastic and metal. You should get a refund from them as it sounds like a manufacturing problem.