About me
I’ve been a gadget freak ever since I got my first Commodore VC 20 – yes the one with the tape recorder storage – and have been interested in new technologies ever since.
Over the years I have created and maintained several blogs about Astronomy, Electric cars and other stuff and I have now decided to accumulate all this information as well as all the other things I’m interested in – like audio books, video games, gadets and whatnot into one blog.
I also was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2016 and the whole experience of diagnosis, treatment and most importantly how it changes you as a human being is a topic that also interests me.
So while this blog is mainly still about gadgets and stuff I will sporadically add in things about work life balance as well. You just can’t separate the one from the other.

Name: Marc Baier
Age: 55 and counting
Interests: Technology, gadgets, astronomy, Sci-Fi movies, electric cars, Work Life balance, Happiness